Friday 29 August 2008

Update: Toni Braxton, Kim Kardashian Confirmed For 'Dancing With The Stars'

Toni Braxton, Kim Kardashian, Susan Lucci and Warren Sapp will hit the floor on ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" according to ABC.

They are among 13 celebrities slated to compete on the new season of the top-rated dance contest, premiering Sept. 22.

The other contestants are Cloris Leachman, Kim Kardashian, Ted McGinley, Brooke Burke, NFL champ Warren Sapp and two Olympic athletes: Misty May-Treanor, world Health Organization won her second gold medal for beach volleyball at this year's summer games in Beijing, and Maurice Greene, who south Korean won two gold medals in track at the 2000 games in Sydney.

Rounding out the cast are chef Rocco DiSpirito, Cody Linley of "Hannah Montana" and comedian Jeffrey Ross.

The names were announced Monday on ABC News' "Good Morning America." Kardashian, who co-stars with her family on the E! reality series "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," checkered into a New York City hospital Sunday afterwards cutting her foot on a glass table in her hotel room.

"I will be able to dance. I went to the hospital. I'll be fine," she said in a earphone call to "GMA."

More info

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Painting the TweetMind: the data art of StreamGraph

All the zillions of tweets that flow through and through Twitter every day ar a writhing mass of textual topsy-turvydom, here today, gone today.� Kind of like a vortex of christian Bible water interminably spiraling down the digital toilet.� There's not much value to 99.9% of old tweets -- most of them strain to be noteworthy even when brand new.� Take this twirp from sooner today: "Cat is spell-bound with my cup of coffee."� Hard to get excited about that, even if it's your best friend telling you.�

But taken together, the universe of old tweets is turning out to be a formula detector's transport.� It's a giant data define of thoughts, musings, links, notes, exclamations, whines and alerts.� Services like Twitturly and TweetMeme have already institute useful ways to mine this mondo data set.� And the company formerly known as Summize was rewarded for its pioneering endeavour to build a Twitter search engine when Twitter forked o'er a rumored $15 one thousand thousand for it.

But Jeff Clark's Twitter StreamGraphs takes Twitternalysis a step further by providing rich visualizations of the corporate wordflow.� StreamGraphs lets you place in a word -- like "deep brown" -- and a moment later out flows a gorgeous liquid-like graph of coffee and its linguistic context over time:

Twitter StreamGraph for "coffee" with insert enlarged.

Saturday 9 August 2008

Eliah`s Mantle

Eliah`s Mantle   
Artist: Eliah`s Mantle



Sorrows Of Sophia   
 Sorrows Of Sophia

Tracks: 7

Psalms From Invocation   
 Psalms From Invocation

Tracks: 10


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Herbert Tachezi - organ

Herbert Tachezi - organ   
Artist: Herbert Tachezi - organ



Art Of Fugue BWV 1080   
 Art Of Fugue BWV 1080

   Year: 1977   
Tracks: 19


Monday 16 June 2008

The Apprentice - Lee Mcqueen Wins The Apprentice

Lee McQueen has won the fourth season of The Apprentice after being hired by Sir Alan Sugar.

The recruitment sales manager was chosen ahead of retail buyer Claire Young in the final of the BBC1 show after two other contestants fell by the wayside.

McQueen, who has earned himself a £100,000-a-year salary, described the win as "unbelievable".

"I can't describe how I'm feeling now," the 30-year-old, whose catchphrase "simple as that" had become a staple of the show, said.

McQueen and Young, 29, had progressed to the final two when their male fragrance – Roulette – was judged a better all round business proposition than Dual for Men from their rivals.

Alex Wotherspoon, 24, and Helene Speight, 32, were shown the door when industry experts voiced concerns at the cost of their innovative two-part perfume container.

Regional sales manager Wotherspoon described falling at the final hurdle as "heartbreaking", while global pricing leader Speight blamed her co-project manager for approving the expensive bottle design.

Before telling McQueen "you're hired", Sir Alan had questioned whether his eventual winner was a "one trick pony".

But despite praising Young's "great attributes" the Amstrad tycoon admitted he would have struggled to "put up with" the feisty candidate.

In his ultimately successful defence of why he should be the apprentice, McQueen had championed his "consistent delivery" after successfully project managing three times during the show's 12 weeks.

12/06/2008 00:15:40

See Also

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Take That - Fascinating Fact 5396

British band TAKE THAT's reunion tour last year (07) has been voted the best comeback of all time in a new poll of networking sites. (LJ/WNTSU/MJ)

British band TAKE THAT's reunion tour last year (07) has been voted the best comeback of all time in a new poll of networking sites.

See Also

Wednesday 28 May 2008

MIT, Coda Album Review



Album Review

MIT seem to be German teenagers armed with machines and a delighted glee in being given access to a recording studio. This is a good thing: if they were British, they'd have all rushed out and bought Telecasters with the wages from their Saturday jobs and become a tuppenny-ha'penny ‘indie’ band, and God knows there's enough of them already. It's always been my perception that British music fans are far more sniffy about electronic music than our Continental counterparts. Sad to say I can remember the first wave of synth bands, and all the ‘it's not proper music’ sneering that went on, with the attendant digs at fashion sense. Nothing quite as funny as a Judas Priest fan in the early 1980s deriding synth bands for being ‘puffs’ and having shit clothes. Anyway, I digress. To the music!

‘Beispiel’ begins quietly, almost plaintively, before dark rumblings give way to a pulsing motor-disco beat that gradually intensifies before developing a harsh snare sound and pounding, tribal toms. It's three a.m. on the Autobahn and there's nothing else on the road. Raw, confrontational vocals yell out simple, youthful melodies for the last minute or so. Not a bad start at all. ‘Zwei’ is more immediate and a bit more pop, the vocals less agressive and more melodic. There's still a stripped-down simplicity to it, and not a guitar in earshot. ‘Park’ is a mutation of eighties Sheffield electro and four-to-the-floor nineties dance music, with vocals that punctuate rather than drive. Again, the melodies are simple. ‘Gibt es denn keine andere Gruende’ borrows a trick or two from the ambient handbook, with a glitchy beat that reminds these ears of FSOL and those old ‘Feed Your Head’ compilations. The beat develops into a more aggressive, snare-driven beast, and odd wailings and slivers of slogans puncture the atmosphere. There's a a brief dropdown of filter-tweaking and fader-sliding before the beat reasserts itself, with more wailing vocals and odd shouts.

‘Gebaut’ begins with some low-down farting synths, to which some airy notes are added, along with a beat that's almost junglist in pace. There's proper vocals on this one, again with a simple melody, and even I with my rusty and rudimentary German can pick out the odd line. Then there's more aggressive chanting, and I kind of lose the drift a bit, but by this time there's all manner of odd noises to keep me interested. ‘Genau an diesen Abend’ slows the tempo down to hypno-speed. The synths buzz and arpeggiate to good effect, the latter getting disorientingly distorted before stopping abruptly. ‘Kleur’ brings the tempo up again, and there's a very harsh Laibach-esque tom-type sound that vibrates the eyeballs very effectively. The vocals are strident, repetitive, and later on there's a nod to something that might be called a tune. DAF might be a reference point.

‘Merz’ begins with a beat that sounds like it's been programmed with a Boss DR-220 (how I used to love mine), and something that sounds like it might be a very delayed guitar playing one note (but probably isn't). The synths drone a simple two-note figure in the background, before a genuinely fucked guitar heralds some fucked-up vocals. This is proper shouting now, sampled up and distorted as the beat gets a bit Von Sudenfed and an arpeggio kicks off. From seemingly inauspicious beginnings, this might be the best track yet. ‘Rauch’ has all sorts of electrobleep nonsense going on in the background, set against a one-note pulse that metamorphoses into the bastard son of ‘Fade to Grey’ by Visage, but with shouting in German over the top. Synths fart and squelch like a pensioner with a bowel disorder, and another motorik beat kicks in. Great stuff. ‘Coda’ begins with a low-down glitchy pulse and an arpeggiated synth that acquires a succubus with evil intentions. It builds and intensifies, and I'm just waiting for the beat to kick in before I can bounce up and down with a grin on my face. Sadly, this moment never comes. A hi-hat keeps time, but it never kicks in. A trick missed, perhaps, but then again, what should I expect from a coda?

It's good fun is this. Yes, purists from various camps might point out its lack of guitars (yawn), the IDM-lite nature of some of the songs and the almost total lack of certifiable ‘tunes’, but I like it. There's a lot of youthful energy in here, and also a lot of history. To go back to the suggestion that if MIT were British they'd have bought Telecasters, I hear very little in British ‘indie’ guitar music that doesn't come from the very recent past: MIT have, on this evidence, brought together a lot of electronic music from a lot of different places. They've done their homework and produced an album that nods at various things but isn't quite like anything I've heard. And to think they're just teenagers as well. Very good indeed, and perhaps even better to come. Endorsed.

Jon Watson

See Also

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Radiohead forced to move surprise gig

Radiohead forced to move surprise gig

Radiohead were forced to abandon plans for a gig in a tiny record shop at in London yesterday subsequently to a greater extent than 1,000 fans turned up.
The Oxford five-piece announced a surprise gig at

Chiara Civello

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Two films top the Oscars shortlist

Two films top the Oscars shortlist

The nominations for the 80th Academy Awards


Thursday 24 April 2008


Artist: Bastards

Rock: Punk-Rock


Sibarian Hardcore   
 Sibarian Hardcore

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 18


Katie Couric Downplays Rumors Of A Walkout

Katie Couric Downplays Rumors Of A Walkout

Katie Couric has downplayed rumors that she is planning to walk away from her nightly news role, after a report in the Wall Street Journal claimed she was set to quit - however, she stopped short of giving a definite answer.Couric's role as anchor of the 'CBS Evening News' began in 2006 following her departure from the 'Today' show. Producers hoped that Couric's popularity with morning viewers would translate to the evening audience, however, the broadcast's ratings have failed to trump rival networks. The Wall Street Journal quoted "people close to Katie Couric" as saying that she would leave following the US Presidential elections and subsequent inauguration.However, a statement released by CBS said, "We are very proud of the 'CBS Evening News,' particularly our political coverage, and we have no plans for any changes regarding Katie or the broadcast."Couric also released a statement about the rumors, saying, "My colleagues continue to impress me with their commitment to the newscast, and I am very proud of the show we put on every day."Photo courtesy of CBS.

Tracy Chapman - Telling stories

Saturday 19 April 2008

Bonde Do Role

Bonde Do Role   
Artist: Bonde Do Role



With Lasers   
 With Lasers

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12

Bonde Do Role With Lasers   
 Bonde Do Role With Lasers

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12

Melo Do Tabaco   
 Melo Do Tabaco

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 6

Pumping kayoed bass-heavy terpsichore flap generation laced with unlikely samples and mated with goofy exactly salacious raps, Bonde do Rolê ar unrivalled of the get-go acts of the Apostles of the Apostles on Brazil's blue air funk carioca (or baile blue funk) setting to gain an international audience. Consisting of tether MC Marina Ribatski, MC and producer Pedro D'eyrot, and DJ and producer Rodrigo Maksim Gorky, Bonde do Rolê offer up a wilfully warped variant on funk carioca, merging their gravel propagation with odd merely obvious samples from the likes of Alice in Irons and Tone-Loc piece Ribatski delivers eccentric rhymes nearly quirky sexual activity and partying of completely sorts; as D'eyrot puts it, "The joke is to be as pudden-head and cheesy as you pot be." Bonde do Rolê had earned a sizeable fan chase at domicile when they attracted the attention of American DJ and manufacturer Diplo, wHO heard them during a see to Federative Republic of Brazil. Diplo hide for the group's wilderness music and frantic phase point, and sign language them to his Mad Decent record gospel According to Mark in the U.S., firearm the respected British label Domino smitten a trade with the group for Europe. After blowing many minds during their performances on a abbreviated American electrical circuit in the springiness of 2007, Bonde do Rolê prepared to release their showtime album with Diplo, With Lasers, in the summer of 2007.

Friday 18 April 2008

Corrie actor gets hit with handbags

Corrie actor gets hit with handbags

'Coronation Street' doer Jak P Sheepherder has revealed that he often gets attacked by women on the streets because he plays a bad-boy.
The 20-year-old role player, wHO plays the scheming St. David Platt in the soap, told The Sun that mass ofttimes react bad to him.
Shepherd said: "It's e'er the little old ladies wHO make a go at me."
"Younger multitude think St. David is great just the grannies attack me with their handbags. What is it with grannies and their handbags?"
Sheepherder also revealed that danton True Young children tend to be scared of him when they fulfil him.
"I panic attack children, overly. They've been known to break into crying simply at the sight of me."
Referring to his upcoming plot line in the max, where he pushes his mother Gail go through a steps, he said: "I recognize I'll produce more of that next week. They want to recognise why I'm so awful to my florists' chrysanthemum so these scenes will in truth catch them going."
"I get a draw of response from wholly sorts of hoi polloi when I'm out and some just it's mostly in good humor so it doesn't put out me."